The Plumber and the Mechanic
Let me tell you a story: Once upon a time, there lived a plumber and a mechanic. They were neighbors. The plumber fixed clogged sinks. He sat and waited for customers to call, complaining of clogged sinks. And they do. One by one they knock on his door, each sounding more frantic than the other. “Help! There’s water overflowing everywhere!” cries one customer. “Mr. Plumber, you must come immediately, or else it will be too late.” Wails another. There’s panic in their voices, warbling with utmost urgency. These days the plumber’s business is really good.

On the other hand, the plumber’s neighbor, the mechanic, spends his days servicing cars. He tuned up vehicles on a periodic manner. The same cars come on a timely routine for checks, tuning, and oil changes. Sometimes he even indulges customers by giving their cars a fresh coat of paint, when it was requested. He rarely had to do major reworks, unless of course, those cars had suffered serious damages and required a total overhaul. Whenever his customers bring their cars to him, they drive up to his workshop smiling. He asks them how their day is, and they beam. “Everything is great, Mr. Mechanic,” comes their jovial response. “My car is running beautifully too. I just want to make sure it is in tip-top shape.”
What do you think the story is all about? Which industry does the plumber and mechanic each represent? Yes, you are right. The plumber might be a thinly veiled representation of the massive sickness industry, more popularly known as the healthcare industry.The lesser known alternative of the healthcare industry, the small but budding wellness industry, is symbolized by the mechanic.