Super-foods 4

- Tomatoes – Loaded with Lycophene, which keeps heart healthy and protects against strokes. Also supports prostate in men. Can be eaten raw, cooked or in salads.
- Prunes – Prunes are dried plums. They are packed with polyphenols and help in boosting bone density. They can also help in bowel movement.
- Brussel sprouts – This are rich in glucosinolates, compounds that can combat cancer and detoxify our bodies. They can be added to salads.
- Acai berry –A serving or two of this anthocyanin rich berry can dramatically boost the amount of antioxidants in your blood. Can be eaten alone or in a salad.
- Bok Choy – This calcium rich veggie can protect your bones and keep your skin glowing.
6. Pumpkin – Pumpkins are filled with natural cancer fighters – alpha and beta carotene. At home it is usually made as a side dish and can be eaten with rice or bread.
7. Spinach – Popeye’s food. A half cup of spinach provides more than five times your daily dose of vitamin K, which helps blood clot and built strong bones. Also rich in iron. Also provides good fiber and can help with constipation.
8. Asparagus – One of my favorite vegetables. It also contains vitamin K and folate and is a natural diuretic and banishes bloating.
9. Water cress – This just has four calories per cup. This cruciferous veggie has a hefty dose of vitamin K, zeaxanthin, lutein, beta carotene and cancer fighting phytochemicals. Also good for bone and eye health.
10. Grapes – Grapes contain resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant, good for heart health and anti-ageing.
By now I am sure you realize that nature provides everything that we need for our health. I can go on and on with more superfoods. I have not even listed all the local Malay, Chinese and Indian spices and vegetables. The focus should be avoiding chemical and toxin laden foods. Remember we have to take personal responsibility for our health.