Why we age and Why we don’t have to
Why we age and Why we don't have to? If we want to live longer, healthier and better lives, it’s vital that we reframe our approach to aging. Aging isn’t a fact of life, it’s a disease that has the potential both to be understood and to be cured. Genetics researchers...
Super-foods 3 The next ten foods that should be in our diet. Broccoli – This is definitely a superfood with its fiber content and also sulforaphane which I have written about earlier. Should not be over cooked as it will lose some of its vitamins. Mushrooms – Some of...
Super Food-3
Super-foods 3 Celery – Part of Apiaceae family. Contains a plant compound Apigenin which has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. Also contains a flavonoid Luteolin which has antioxidant and anti-cancer properties. Celery can also be used as a...
Super Food
Super-foods There is actually no such thing as a superfood. I believe that all food from nature is a superfood. Also it is not good to eat plenty of one type of food even though it is deemed to be healthy. The best is a variety of natural foods daily in your diet....
Super-foods 4
Super-foods 4 Tomatoes – Loaded with Lycophene, which keeps heart healthy and protects against strokes. Also supports prostate in men. Can be eaten raw, cooked or in salads. Prunes – Prunes are dried plums. They are packed with polyphenols and help in boosting bone...
Indoor Air More Polluted than Outdoor Air
Indoor Air More Polluted than Outdoor Air When we think of air pollution we probably think of things like smog, power plants and emissions from cars and trucks. Those are all examples of outdoor air pollution, but indoor air can be polluted too. Indoor air pollution...
My Weight Loss Journey
My Weight Loss Journey I never had a problem with my weight as I was growing up. Though I noticed that my family members put on weight as they grew older I never thought much about it. When I was in college studying medicine in India, weight was never an issue but...
The Plumber and the Mechanic Let me tell you a story: Once upon a time, there lived a plumber and a mechanic. They were neighbors. The plumber fixed clogged sinks. He sat and waited for customers to call, complaining of clogged sinks. And they do. One by one they...