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Malaysian Wellness Society


Malaysian Wellness Society (MWS) was formed in 2005. MWS is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) and is a non-profit organisation.

It was set up by a Pro-tem Committee made up of medical professionals (Doctors) and non-medical professionals (Nutritionist, Accountants, Wellness Consultants, Tax Consultants, Teachers, Executives, etc.,) who are passionate about wellness.


Malaysian Wellness Society (MWS) was formed in 2005. MWS is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) and is a non-profit organisation.

It was set up by a Pro-tem Committee made up of medical professionals (Doctors) and non-medical professionals (Nutritionist, Accountants, Wellness Consultants, Tax Consultants, Teachers, Executives, etc.,) who are passionate about wellness.


The mission and motto of the Society includes “Integrative and proactive approach towards wellness for all.”


Our Objective is to Teach that the Fundamental approach to lead a life based on wellness principles is focussed around the following dimensions:-


Physical wellness encourages activities for cardiovascular optimization, strength, endurance and flexibility. It also promotes good nutrition and avoidance of harmful habits. Engaging in a variety of activities combined with physical exercise helps to promote and achieve a healthy Lifestyle.


this dimension emphasizes the creation and maintenance of healthy relationships.


emotional wellness emphasizes the awareness and acceptance of individuals’ feelings and the ability to successfully manage stress.


this dimension of wellness promotes the stimulation of mental and creative activities. Individuals are encouraged to expand their skills and knowledge by using a variety of activities.


this dimension emphasizes the process of determining and achieving goals from a financial/occupational stand point. It also emphasizes balance between work and other activities.


This spiritual dimension encourages the development of a set of personal values and ethics while seeking purpose and meaning in the human existence. Moving toward a state of optimal health or wellness is achieved by making positive changes in lifestyle. It is not a static process but one in which the individual makes conscious, informed

choices, takes action, moves and grows. This approach returns the concept of “health” to its root meaning; that of wholeness and balance and puts the power and responsibility in the hands of the individual and not the health-care system.

Each one of us can improve our state of wellness by becoming aware and knowledgeable. We need to embrace positive lifestyle patterns, which include being actively involved in and committed to our own physical, intellectual, emotional, social, occupational/financial and spiritual growth and development. MWS does its best to adhere to the objective of the Society as follows:-

1.To promote the integrative approach among members towards the preventive healthcare and to foster and co-ordinate education, study and research in wellness in Malaysia

2.To increase awareness among members about the impact of longevity and wellness on individuals and society.

3.To provide information to empower members to make choices about health and wellness care programs based on data from scientific studies.

4.To liaise with the healthcare associations with similar objectives in the integrative and proactive approach of wellness.


Membership is open to:




ORDINARY MEMBERS shall be Malaysian Citizen of 18 years of age and has attended the Total Wellness Education Program and received certification from the Advisor. Ordinary Members have no voting rights and may not hold any post in the Council.



SCIENTIFIC MEMBERS shall be Malaysian Citizens of 18 years and above and be members of the public having a keen interest in Wellness and longevity. Scientific member is entitled for a vote and may hold any post in the Council.


Malaysian Wellness Society view point

Wellness is much more than merely the absence of disease or illness.

Wellness is a multidimensional or holistic approach to living. Wellness includes much more than just physical health. It also includes the emotional, intellectual, social, occupational and spiritual aspects of living. Because wellness involves a “whole person” perspective, it follows that a lack of health or wellbeing in one area of a person’s life affects other aspects of the person’s life and overall sense of wellbeing.

The Wellness Concept is really a frame of reference from which to think about choices and behaviours and how they contribute to one’s overall positive growth and development.

Achieving wellness is a dynamic process in which each individual is responsible for and in charge of our life and wellbeing. It involves a process of moving toward optional health.

Wellness represents a higher degree of “health” than merely the absence of illness. It is the process of making proactive choices and engaging in behaviours which allows one to achieve a balance in one’s life regarding one’s physical, emotional, social, occupational, intellectual and spiritual needs.

Moving toward a state of optimal health or wellness is achieved by making positive changes in lifestyle. It is not a static process but one in which the individual makes conscious, informed choices, takes action, moves and grows – an approach which returns the concept of “health” to its root meaning, that of wholeness and balance, and puts the power and responsibility in the hands of the individual, not the health-care system.

Each of us can improve our state of wellness by becoming aware and knowledgeable, developing positive lifestyle patterns, which include being actively involved in and committed to our own physical, intellectual, emotional, social, occupational and spiritual growth and development. It is never too late to start……..Stay Well

Malaysian Wellness Society – 1st Newsletter launched in January 2008

Past Speakers for MWS

Dr.Sujatha Narayanan Consultant Surgeon (Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh Scotland.1996).
Dr. Sujatha has been a medical doctor for more than 25 years. She specializes in treating breast and thyroid diseases as well as women’s surgical problems. In the last ten years she has dedicated her time to teaching, preventive health care to patients and the public emphasizing on breast and women’s health. To this effect she has done and participated in
numerous breast, health and awareness talks and seminars, appeared on Astro, TV3 and NTV7. She has been involved in training programs that have taken her to many remote areas around the country promoting breast care to women even while doing relief work in Tsunami-torn Acheh. She was also the past president of The Malaysian Wellness Society. She had been the Head of Dept of Surgery – Putra Jaya Hospital, Head of the Breast Unit – General Hospital Klang and currently; Consultant Surgeon at KPJ Selangor Specialist Hospital.  
Mr. EA CHIANG Bachelor of Science Degree graduate from UPM. Certified Wellness Planner from OUM.
Mr. EA Chiang is the owner of UCEC Wellness and Fitness which specializes in Exercise Therapy . He is Taekwondo master with 5th.dan Black belt holder -representing Malaysia in The 1st. World University Taekwondo Championship in University of California Berkeley USA in 1986. He is also Certified Yoga Teacher and one of the panel of Judges for Malaysian International Yoga Competition 2011. He has been appointed by Masterskill University College of Health Science as Physiotherapy Preceptor to train physiotherapy undergraduate students in area of therapeutic exercise. He has trained candidates from UPM, JPM, Resort World , Petronas, Taman Laut Putrajaya, Alam Maritim Resource Berhad, Busy Gym in area of Wellness and Therapeutic Exercise. His most popular lecture is ‘The Seven Pillars of Health’.
Mr Cyril GunapalaBE (US), ME (US), MBA (US) – Wellness Practitioner
He was the Director of Active Prevention Sdn Bhd. He was the Pro-Tem Committee Chairman of MWS when it was first formed in 2005.
Dr Kewaljit Singh is a medical doctor specializing in Ophthalmology in Subang Eye Specialist Centre, Malaysia.

Current Speakers for MWS

Dr Rajbans SinghMBBS, MRCP (UK), Dip. Geriatric, Med (Lon) Consultant Physician and Geriatrician, Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur and President of the Malaysian Wellness Society

Dato Dr Rajbans has been with Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur as a Consultant Physician and Geriatrician since 2004. He is also the past president of the Malaysian Healthy Ageing Society and initiated the healthy Ageing Unit in Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur.
Dr Rajbans has developed various proposals, lectures and publications covering areas of healthy ageing, influenza vaccination in the elderly, elderly care services, nutrition and memory status. He is currently researching on anti-ageing, preventative healthcare and wellness programmes for the elderly.

Dr.Mohd Hamrizal Ab Halim1993 – Bachelor of Science , UKM 1995 – Medical Doctor , UKM April 2005 – Certificate in Wellness, TRU, British Columbia
Dr. Mohd Hamrizal has been a medical doctor for more than 19 years. He is currently in Private Practice and attached to Klinik Mediviron, Seksyen 18 Shah Alam (to Sept 2009 – till todate. His focus before has been in Antenatal Care, Child Health, Involvement in Primary Health Care/Health Education. His special focus is now on Preventative Health Education/Wellness. He was the Vice President of the Malaysian Wellness Society (2010 – 2013)
He has been a Speaker and Facilitator for the following programs:
1. Wellness Education Program for Amway Corporation. (2005-2011)
2. Corporate Wellness Program (HRDF)
3. Active Retirement Program for Guthrie Corporation.
4. Wellness Education for Company – Canon, Nestle, Amsteel, BHP.
5. Wellness Introduction for Faculty of Music, UITM Shah Alam
Dr. Hamrizal is also currently involved with Dr.Rajbans Singh, Consultant Physician and Gerontologist in research for “Biological Assessment”.
He has been a Lecturer for Wellness Course with Open University (Institute of Professional Development) since 2009
– Certificate in Wellness
– Diploma in Wellness

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